Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Jacqueline's #100DaysOfHappy

In the face of bad news, Jacqui decided to post 100 days of photos
of things that she was grateful for. 
This video was lovingly created by her close friend Michael Berlando
and played during Jacqui's funeral service on May 29th.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The video

Last week at the service for Jacqui, those who were there may or may not know that the video at the end froze before it was finished and there was one more section.  Here is a link to the full version:

Thanks so much to my brother David, for putting this together - she would have loved it!

Also I will probably post a video of the service and also the 100 Days of Happy video sometime in the near future.

Thanks again for caring!