Time to learn a little Spanish!
The appointment with the surgeon, Dr. McFadden, went well on Friday. He is a very soft spoken, kind and caring man who takes the time to sit down and talk to us like he has all the time in the world.
Even though we've only really met him a few times, and it's been quite a few months by now, he remembered so many little details about Jacqui's last surgery and about her life that he referred to during the appointment. This was so reassuring - we feel like he really does care, that she's not just a number.
He told us that her surgery this time would be very similar to last time, that there could be minor complications due to scar tissue and that her recovery might be a little longer this time, but that he thought she would do just fine having it and he expected positive results once again. He has a way of telling us all the things that can go wrong and then saying "But you're not a risk for that, you'll be fine".
Jacqui told him about wanting to go to El Salvador and he said he didn't think there would be any additional risk for her to have the surgery after her return - then I asked him at least 2 more times if he was sure :) If all goes to plan (duh duh duh - famous last words) all the preliminary testing will be done before we go and then she will have the surgery a week after her return - so the end of January.
Dr. McFadden asked her about going down there and she told him that people have shown her overwhelming love and kindness over the past years that she feels like there is no way to repay that so she wants to give back by giving to these people who are so needy. To which he replied "I like Scotch" - Bedside manner and a sense of humour!!!
So we left the appointment feeling really good - which is weird - she still has cancer, still has to have major lung surgery, but she gets to keep the El Salvador hope alive.
Instead of the cancer taking away El Salvador, it can just wait it's turn.