Saturday 13 July 2013

It’s like walking in the sunshine on ice that’s very thin

As I walk around in my house, I see boxes, bins or drawers filled with things...
  • Christmas decorations
  • My stampede “wardrobe” – yes – after 17 years, it’s become a wardrobe – not big, but ....
  • Tea towels for different seasons – fall, Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc
  • Winter coats & boots & skates
  • Summer clothes
  • Canning Jars
  • Suitcases
  • Tax documents for the last 7 years
Lots of things that I don’t use all the time, just take them out when I want or need them – just because they are put away doesn’t mean I don’t have these things, it just means that I have them
safely tucked away so that I have easy access for when the time comes
I also have parts of myself tucked away...
As people have been reading my blog, they are sometimes surprised at the way I express myself, they say I always seem together and happy, just taking everything so well and this just shows another side of me. 
I started to wonder if I’m being 2-faced, dishonest or schizophrenic
But I know I’m not, it’s simply this, I don’t want to act sad, disappointed, disillusioned, weighed down - I am a happy person, I want to enjoy life, to live each day, not waste time curled up in a ball being sad
Although I have a big “sadness” in my life, a big burden to carry around right now, it can’t consume me
So I put it in a box, an old cardboard box – with the flaps folded over to close it – with a hole in the middle where the flaps don’t meet, the hole where the things stuffed in there threaten to pop out.  And I put that box away in my mind –
safely tucked away so that I have easy access for when the time comes
that I need to take the time to feel those feelings 

So I’m not double-minded or shallow or in denial, not everything needs to be out all the time – I don’t have my Christmas tree up in March, I don’t wear my bathing suit in the snow (usually) and I only wear stampede clothes for 10 days in July – so when you see me happy, I’m happy, but never doubt that -
It’s like walking in the sunshine
on ice that’s very thin
 barely able to hold me above the
of my sadness

To everything there is a season - A time to cry and a time to laugh
A time to grieve and a time to dance




  1. Sounds pretty normal and self-aware to me. :) Don't let others tell you how to be. Hugs.

  2. Ahh nice Carol.I used to think the same thing I started feeling like I was being fraudulent and then when I saw people I felt like I had to over-explain.To make sure people understood but the thing was that no matter what I said some people got it without me saying anything and others never did, no matter what...So now I just write and Im finding people are appreciative of it and I am surprised by how much people read between lines.You are doing a good job.Sadness is such an enormous undergarment now isn't it. I learnt the difference between happy and Joy amongst this.xx

  3. Hey Carol
    You were on my mind so just popped into say hi. x

  4. HI Kat,

    I've been thinking of you too!! Thanks for popping in! What's you email address so we can email directly?
