Tuesday 8 January 2013

She's Home!

What a surprise!!!  Yesterday she texted me in the morning to say the Charge doctor had come in and said it looked like she could go home.  It wasn't her surgeon so I wasn't really sure that it would happen.  Then the nurse came and took off all her dressings, and the physio gave her the all clear and took her off the treatment list.  This news kind of took us by surprise as we have been told  all along that she would be in for 8-10 days.  We were a bit troubled because although a lot of the staff had been saying she wouldn't be in long, but her surgeon talked much more cautiously, saying that they wanted to be very sure not to release her too early.  So I made a couple of calls - to the surgeons office and I also spoke to the nurse for her room and they all assured us it was all good. 

Our big concerns were that they were rushing her because she was doing so well, but that's compared to all the other people that were in there.  Most are much older than her (and us for that matter) and in because they have severe conditions, she went in looking young and healthy and in comparison to everyone else, well....

So we got her all packed up and home by about 1:00pm.  She tried to rest, but it was just way too quiet compared to all the noise of the last few days.  I told her I would make things beep and make loud, rude noises to make her feel more at home, but she declined. 

It's great that she's home, no more back and forth to the hospital.  And a much better place to receive visitors!!!  

So she will be spending the next few weeks healing (she ended up with 3 incisions), doing breathing exercises and making her way from two - 5 minute walks a day to one 50 minute walk per day.  Gradual progress.  I was thinking that if her hospital time was so reduced, maybe her recovery time will be faster as well, but we won't push it.   
So many treats!

So after a good night in her own bed and a good breakfast, she took her first walk and did very well, so it's a start.  Pain is being managed and she's feeling pretty comfortable.

Her next appointments are next Monday with our GP to get her stitches out and then Feb 21 she meets with her surgeon to assess her progress - hopefully she will get the all clear to go back to work soon after that. We hope to hear from her oncologist in the next few weeks as well to see what the next step is. 

I felt like we were waiting and waiting for this all to happen and now that it has, guess what?  We're waiting again - haha - while she's recovering!  We're looking forward to lots of visitors and maybe getting a few projects done.  But I think I like this part better! 


  1. Awesome News Carol! We are thrilled that her recovery is proceeding more quickley than expected! Blessings to you guys, take some time to rest and relax.... Greg and Melanie

  2. I can hear the uplifted spirit in your writings... If you know what I mean. lol
    Very nice news to know that she's IN YOUR HOME with you again... thinking recovery is easier when at home, for sure for sure! Big smiles- and waiting- but as you said, this part is better than the last part you just went through.

  3. Thanks all that are posting here for your thoughts and encouragement and congratulations for figuring it out!!!

  4. So good to hear that Jacquie is doing this well and is back home. She is such a strong young woman.

    The Burns family

  5. Very thrilled that she is home, you know I know the feeling just keep trusting God to see you through
