Monday 24 February 2014

What we do know/What we don't know

Very quickly - lots have been asking about what's up this week - so here it is:

Today we meet with the Chemo Oncologist starting at 1:15, he will hopefully have the results of the recent PET scan and then be presenting us with a course of action..  Chemo is booked for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.  That is not to say that this is exactly how it will happen, but that is all we know right now. 

What we do know
1.  that we are anxious to get things going
2.  that Jacqui is feeling quite a bit of pain right now in her chest and back
3.  that we are seeing the doctor today

What we don't know
1.  if she will start chemo for sure this week
2.  if so - we don't know what type, how many rounds, how many days it will last
3.  the results of the PET scan

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


  1. Be assured of my thoughts and prayers for Jacqui and all of you.

  2. Carol..with you guys,I like your last post and your comment this is so dumb I know exactly what you mean! Its because you cant make sense of it,its not intelligent therefore its the opposite.Good choice of word.I probably would have added an expletive as Im prone to that these days.I find it quite helpful xx
