Monday 5 November 2012

A bit of good news...

Today Jacqui heard from the doctor – other than the 3 nodules on her left lung, her PET scan was clear!!!  To put this in perspective, PET scans will show up everything, including “false positives” – and if there are any questionable “things”, they have to be tested  to make sure they are of no concern before they can get going on the real issues.  This is good news!!!
Unfortunately, the nodules are still on her left lung, of course, and so they will be talking about the next step in the sarcoma clinic today and we expect to have another appointment at some point to talk about they type and date of surgery – note I don’t say “soon”, because this is a waiting game. 
A friend gave me a pamphlet called “Dealing with the Frustration of Waiting during a Serious Illness” -  Hmmm, I thought, now that’s something I can relate to!!  I found one paragraph very true:

“The work of dealing with a serious disease involves many challenges:  fear, worry, pain and discomfort, stress and occasional frustration.  One experience, though, is constant in the journey through illness:  waiting.”

Sometimes when I feel tired of waiting or have had a lot of questions from others, I feel like I’m doing something wrong, that I need to be on someone’s case to get things going – but I have to remind myself that this is normal, it’s part of the process – it’s actually very humbling to have to surrender control of your daughter’s well-being to someone else, but…
In the meantime, Jacqui is loving her new job and is glad she has been able to keep busy these last few weeks.  It really makes me feel so much lighter (and I think I can speak for Peter and Tyler too) to see her taking on this challenge and enjoying herself so much in the middle of so much uncertainty.
Thank you all so much for your continued support – in so many wonderful ways - we appreciate this so much.  And now we’re back to waiting again…..
Surrender - it isn't easy in little or big things. We are lucky to have accepted the choice to do so.

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