Monday 19 November 2012

We have a date (not the big one - but it's something)

Finally - we heard from the Thoracic (lung) surgeon’s office!!!!  Jacqui has an appointment with Dr. McFadden on Wednesday, Nov 21 at 2:30 pm.  They originally called last Thursday, but in a comedy(?) of errors, we ended up knowing they had called and not having any information and not being able to get in touch with them – so close, but so far…….

So that’s what we have, a date…..I don’t know what we’ll find out – I hope for an action plan, I hope for a surgery date, I hope we can get this all over with, but it may just be more info gathering and more talking – and and and – if I was writing this with a paper and pen, that line would have ended with a scribble that covered the page – my written version of impatience!

You know that excited feeling of anticipation you have when there is something really cool thing coming up – like a great concert or someone fun coming to visit or getting new shoes or a first date (I think – it’s been awhile) that’s how I’ve felt since I found out about the appointment a few hours ago – and then I think – “Oh yeah” and reality sets in again – but it’s amazing what makes you happy when stuff like this is going on. 

I did go to a great concert the other day – Leonard Cohen (no haters please- you know who you are) and it was wonderful – what a gifted man – so many of his lyrics spoke to me so deeply.  I went to bed singing that night….words of comfort and petition….it always amazes me how there are people I will never know or ever even meet who know exactly how I feel without my having to say a word.  It just goes to show King Solomon was right when he said:

What has been will be again;

What has been done will be done again;

There is nothing new under the sun.

Annoying when you want to be special, but comforting when you don’t.  Can’t wait till Wednesday……..


  1. Carol, I love you....even through my tears you manage to make me smile. Your family is so very lucky to have you.

  2. Jill I just saw this now :) thanks
