Tuesday 13 November 2012

Don’t miss the diamonds….

Jacqui talked to a nurse at the Tom Baker Sarcoma Clinic today who told her that the doctors would be discussing her case in “rounds” on Monday.  This is where they all get together and discuss the best course of action – I thought this was happening sooner, but I guess it takes a while to get them all together – obviously they are not reading this blog and don’t know how impatient I am!  Anyways, they said we should hear something next week…but we’ll see. 

There is so much going on, so much I need and want to do, plan for, hope, but I feel like I’m on a phone on hold with really bad muzak playing – I just want to hang up. 

Jacqui’s been at Apple for a month already, I can’t imagine if she had decided not to start the job – sitting around waiting for something to happen.  I was thinking the other day about how hard it was to wait when we first heard about the shadows – we were so desperate to find out so she would be able to figure out what to do about her new job.  Well we found out not even 24 hours before she was to start, she really didn’t have time to think about it and just went for it.  If she found out earlier, she may have decided that she shouldn’t start with such uncertainty in her future.   The nicest part was how encouraging they were with her, a brand new employee, and told her they would support her and work with her in what she had to go through – amazing…… So in retrospect, the timing was perfect  – something to keep in mind each time I feel that helpless sense of lack of control – I just have to trust that there is someone in control and remember examples like this one….the diamonds!

The unthankful heart discovers not mercies
But the thankful heart sweeps through the day
And as the magnet finds iron in sand
So it will find in every precious hour some heavenly blessing



  1. Hi Carol
    I cant imagine how it must be for you with your daughter. My heart really goes out to you. I am pleased you are blogging. I have found it fantastic. A great way to sort and communicate and very creative for me. It has lead to many other possibilities that I didn't anticipate at the beginning. I hope it goes well for your daughter..what I try to hold/remember is that every 'body' is uniquely made and even though it has the same disease as someone else it will respond totally differently. I think there is always hope even when it is super tough . It may only be a pinprick at times but its something to head towards. I like the thankful heart image..I made a heart out if iron sand in one of my journals:-) KAT

  2. Thanks so much Kat for your wise words - you're right everyone is so different and there is always hope!!! I read another of your blogs - I like your new shoes - red, that's perfect, I always like to have a pair of red shoes. It will be great to be in touch with you and Gary!
